How do I know if my child needs counselling?

Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell the difference between behaviours that, although challenging, are in line with child development / teenage hormones or something that is deemed a cause for concern. In general, If your child seems unusually anxious, low mood or irritable or if there is a change in your child’s behaviour that persists over many weeks, and amendments at home are not making any difference, it may be time to seek help. A further indicator for extra support may be if behaviours are beginning to interfere with school and overall functioning and your child’s personality or temperament seems to be changing. If a child’s behaviour is unsafe, or your child shares wanting to harm themselves, or someone else or they are demonstrating severe anxiety or persistent low moods then always seek help straight away. Early intervention can have far more beneficial outcomes. 

I would like to book counselling for my child, how does it work?

Once I recieve notification of your interest, I will contact you via email to arrange an initial one-off consultation session with your child. Ahead of this session, I will arrange a time to speak with you on the phone to discuss your child’s needs and any concerns that you may have. The initial consultation session will be just your child and myself, as it is important from day one that the child knows the sessions are for them and it is ‘their’ space. If you are wanting sessions together, then I would advise looking into ‘Family Therapy’ instead. 

I will then send you a follow-up email letting you know how the initial consultation session went and whether I feel further sessions may be of benefit. If all are in agreement to continue and your child has consented, I will then meet with your child at the same day and time, each week. 

What is the difference between psychotherapy and counselling?

The titles psychotherapist and counsellor are often used interchangeably. Sometimes a counsellor works in less depth and within a shorter time-frame than a psychotherapist. As a psychotherapist, I work both within a short time-frame to address one or more specific issues, and a longer term, for deeper work. This depends on the individual needs of the child, adolescent and family. The aim of both, psychotherapists and counsellors, is to provide support with a range of concerns affecting individual's well-being.

What if I decide not to continue after the initial consultation?

That is absolutely your choice. The initial consultation is an opportunity for you to explore whether therapy is for you, and whether you’d like to work with me. Once the initial consultation has taken place, it’s entirely your decision as to whether you’d like to continue or not.

Can I still access your support if I am on an NHS waiting list for CAMHS?

Yes! Many families that I work with are on an NHS waiting list for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Sometimes this waiting list can be very long, so a lot of families come to me in the interim, in order to prevent mental health difficulties escalating even further. I would always advise staying on the NHS waiting list, even if you seek support with me, as you never know when an NHS place may become available. I can provide a handover to your NHS Therapist if your child is offered support that way. 

How much do sessions cost?

Sessions are £75. Invoices are sent to families at the start of every month, payable in advance, by bank transfer. Once you take up a space with me, that weekly time is saved for you each week and cannot be offered to anyone else, therefore an absence policy is in place and your child is expected to attend regularly, where possible. 

I offer some concessional rates for families on low incomes receiving state benefits. To apply for one of these places please email info@katerichardspsychotherapy.com with a recent printed record of your benefit claim. I will do my best to accommodate this, however please note I often have a wait list for these places. Please do contact me to discuss this prior to booking your child’s first session.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is a particular approach that has a behavourial focus, and we may use some CBT strategies as part of the work, if it is helpful and is something you would like to try.

Why do I need to commit to weekly session?

Weekly sessions provide a regular time to engage with whatever it is that has brought you to therapy. Maintaining this commitment is important.

Where do sessions take place?

I currently provide sessions online,  usually for children and young people over the age of 10. It is very important that you ensure your child has a confidential space at home where they can speak freely, and all family members and siblings do not interrupt them during their session. 

Why do we book an initial one-off session first?

It is important to ensure the right fit between myself and child; the relationship is fundamental to the process. It is also imperative that I only work within my capabilities, therefore the first session is also to ensure that I feel confident I can help. If necessary, I will refer you to an alternative service, if I feel that would be better suited to your child’s needs.

Fees & Arrangements


Sessions are £75. Invoices are sent to families at the start of every month, payable in advance, by bank transfer.

Sessions will be charged for unless a minimum of a week’s notice of cancellation is given. Rescheduling requests in advance will be accommodated.


I work in a flexible way. Usually, I start with meeting the parents of children. Young people (16+) can be seen without the parents. This is to find out about the main worries and concerns. After this I arrange to meet with the child individually for an initial consultation. Once consent has been provided, I usually follow this up with a further two assessment sessions. The purpose of these are to find out more and think about the child or young person’s difficulties, identify goals and think about what kind of approach may be helpful. Sometimes this is enough. Other times, a further number of sessions may be the required (between 5-10). In certain cases, treatment may be open ended and long term .

Options are always tailored according to the individual needs.

Get in touch.